A massive thank you to Michael Monte, Chief Executive, Champlain Housing Trust for framing not just the evening’s webinar for us, but the whole Vermont Racial Justice Housing Jam project for us. Thank you to Josh Hanford, Commissioner of Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, for giving us a pep talk about how important equity is within Vermont housing.

Shanti Abedin, Vice President of Housing and Community Development at the National Fair Housing Alliance, and Professor Stephanie Seguino one of our favorite economists at UVM, provided us with plenty of food for thought. And who could forget Justice! Justice Elijah is our community Jammer who shared some of her story, and who helped Dr. Jude facilitate the session. Justice is ace, and she’ll be back again for our next session.

Here is a link to the recording of Session 1: Laying the Foundation, Identifying the Issues.
Shanti’s presentation can be found here.

Here is a link to the link to the whole Public Education Series. We are excited to add Leah Rothstein to our list of talks. Leah will be joining us for the 5th and final public session on February 16, 2023 to inspire us with her and her father’s latest work Just Action. Just Action is the sequel to The Color of Law, and will be released in the Spring of 2023. We are offering you a great opportunity to get a head-start; this will be a session not to be missed. Visit this link to register: Speaker Series 5: Just Action – Activating the Color of Law