Be part of the Beta Test

After nearly three years of living in the digital world, we’ve really come to love the power of creating community across physical, psychological and emotional divides. Transcending such divides is the key to our health and wellbeing. By promoting collective synergies between us, we will be better able to transition to more just economies, and a happier and healthier way of being. For this reason, we’ve created JuJuBee.

On November 28th, 2022, Abundant Sun is opening the doors of its digital home even wider. By invitation only to Abundant Sun’s existing clients and their staff. We are inviting up to 300 people to beta test our new virtual learning and engagement platform, JuJuBee.

If you’re one of our executive client leaders and/or you are a part of one of our active committees or educational cohorts, please be on the lookout for your personal invitation to join.  

What’s beta testing?

Beta testing is an opportunity for real users to use a product in a production environment to uncover any bugs or issues before a general release. We want you to help us to test for bugs, and also to give us ideas on what educational content you’d like to see.

What kind of beta test is this?

This is a closed beta test for our close friends and colleagues with whom we’re working on active projects. It is all of you who have provided Abundant Sun to create this new way of being together. So, thank you.

What is JuJuBee?

It’s partly a learning management system that we have created for our clients and community partners. But, it’s also a cross-organizational networking platform to complement the work that we are all already doing, giving us all a space to communicate, share ideas and learn.

Why has Abundant Sun created JuJuBee?

After nearly three years of living in the digital world, we’ve really come to love the power of creating community across physical, psychological and emotional divides. Transcending such divides is the key to our health and wellbeing. By promoting collective synergies between us, we will be better able to transition to more just economies, and a happier and healthier way of being.

What do you stand to gain?

You’ll have access to a variety of learning materials that will contribute to your professional and personal development.
And, what’s also really sweet about JuJuBee is its social networking element. It gives you a chance to connect with your peers who work within your organization and other peers who work in our other client organizations. This will give you access to information that will stimulate new ideas for you, help you to make better-informed decisions, and give you a chance to make new friends and connections with people you would not ordinarily meet.

How much does it cost?

For you? Nothing. For now, we’ve made it a part of our paying clients’ consultancy package. So, as long as your organization is on our roster, it’s completely free for individuals actively engaged in cultural transformation efforts.

Who is invited to play along?

JuJuBee is for:

  • Executive leaders of our client organizations;
  • Our client organizations’ committee members (i.e. culture, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging);
  • All individuals participating in a cohort one of our Ethical Performance Improvement Campaign (E.P.I.C.) Education Series; and
  • Our community partners who are collaborating with us in community development projects

How long will your membership last?

Membership lasts as long as your employer/organization is in contract/relationship with Abundant Sun, LLC.

What are the rules of engagement?

Friendship, civil discourse and welcoming newness. Plainly and simply. It’s often said that it’s no good to have expectations of others. Well, we absolutely have expectations of one another, and this is for us all to be civil, dignified, decorous, humble, joyous and graceful with one another.

JuJuBee is a place for the brave and broad-minded. It is a place to embrace, to learn, to understand and to respect differences.  It is our hope, not our expectation, that none of us falls into the depths of echo chambers. Let’s do our best to help one another transcend some of our current limitations.